The Hospitality Department in DCOR is charged with providing a hospitable and friendly environment for regular Church visitors as well as local and international Guest speakers, making them feel at home outside their home.
The mission of this department is based on service to others according to Hebrews 13:12 “Show Hospitality to Strangers” (NIV)
This department receives visitors to the Church and educates them about DCOR, its programs, beliefs, and activities while serving refreshments.
The Hospitality team is also responsible for providing refreshments to the Pastor or Speaker to assist them to deliver the sermon comfortably.
If you desire to serve in the Hospitality Department the first step is to communicate your desire to the leadership then you will be required to attend the DCOR Berean Training which prepares you for service in the Church.
After completing this training, you will be ready to serve under the guidance of the leadership in this department.